Tracy, everybody.
Tracy is awesome.
She rides a motorcycle. She has a truly lustworthy shoe collection. She has two big goofy dogs. And she has a husband who drives racecars.
And, incidentally, she is lucky enough to have an office right next to ME. Which, as you can probably imagine, is a joy hardly to be measured. Another way to look at that is that she puts up with my obnoxious ass all day long. But whatever.
She also has probably the coolest second-grader on the planet.
Everybody, this is Jason. It's an old picture, but I don't want anybody stalking the kid, and plus, it's adorable.

Jason, everybody.
So you understand by now that Jason's got a pretty amazing mom. But, you ask, exactly how amazing is she?
Here's how amazing.
In August, she's doing a week-long motorcycle trip from Aviemore, Scotland down to London (my very favorite part of the planet). She's going with 19 other breast cancer survivors to raise money and awareness of breast cancer through a program called Amazon Heart Thunder.
Oh. Did I forget to mention that Tracy is a Stage IV survivor?
Yeah. She's all that, and she's been kicking cancer's ass since Jason was an infant.
But Tracy needs donations. Lots of them.
So go check out her story. And go donate. There are good causes in this world, and good people. And this is one of the best.
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