12 October 2005

This Is Making My Head Spin: TiddlyWiki

I'm not at the "I get it" point yet, but this is a cool enough concept that I want to get it.

It seems like BrainStorm, except a lot more intuitive and snazzy.

But I'm not sure how I'd use it.


Mike Driehorst said...

Yeah, I was there just a few minutes, and my head started to hurt. But, if I think I understand it (maybe), it is cool! Definitely different and inviting for readers to join in.

simon said...
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simon said...

I love Tiddlywiki but it can be a bit hard to figure out for beginners. It helps if you know a little about wikis to begin with. There's a pretty decent tutorial here that should help. Also try my tutorial (which has a tagging focus, though might still help you "get" things a little better).